
/ˈkôrvidrē/ | noun

The nonsense and / or silliness that comes about when clever birds get up to something.

Artworks, assets, and designs by Birdy

About Me

Illustrator, Graphic Artist, Photo Editor;
Asset artist for Grundo’s Cafe

Hello, The Internet.

I’m Birdy, and I’m a freelance artist and designer.

I was born in Pennsylvania, USA and got my start in drawing at a very young age. As a child I was obsessed with cartoons, storytelling, and the natural world. My mom always had spare scrap paper from her job for me to scribble on, so naturally when the church bell rang to send me home for dinner, I rushed to take the day’s play and put it down on paper. After many long afternoons in the summer sun where a dusty lot could be a Savannah or the nearby field could house a secret society of mythical creatures, I had plenty of stories to bring back with me.

These days I do a lot less playing pretend and rolling around in the dirt, but I like to think my inspiration hasn’t suffered for it. If anything, I’m more driven than ever to work on honing my craft and bringing the things that inspire me to life.

If you want to know more about me, feel free to follow me on social media!